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View Linked Courses in the Instructor CenterCheck if Your Course is LMS-Integrated

You can see which of your courses and course sections are linked to an LMS in the Instructor Center.You can see if your CNOWv2 sections are linked to an LMS in the Instructor Center.

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click My Courses.
  3. Locate your course and click expand course.
  4. Select the product for which you want to see your courses.
  5. Click Manage Courses.
  6. Click either the Courses or Course Masters & Sections tab.

Courses or sections that are linked with an LMS display a link icon This course is linked to an LMS course in the LMS Linked column.

Note Course Masters can't be linked because they do not support student enrollment.

Sections that are LMS-integrated display LMS linked LMS Linked.

Note Courses can't be linked because they do not support student enrollment.