Complete Cengage Infuse Assignments

Complete concept checks and end-of-chapter quizzes in your LMS.

  1. In your LMS, click a Cengage Infuse assignment.
  2. Click Start.
  3. Select the correct answer to the multiple-choice question.
  4. To open the next question, click Next.

    To open the previous question, click Previous.

    To open a specific question, click the question number and select a question. Answered questions are marked Answered and unanswered questions are marked Unanswered.

    An Infuse assignment question showing the question selection menu, previous button, and next button.
  5. To submit your assignment, click Submit on the final question.
  6. Optional: If you have attempts remaining, click Start Next Attempt to retake the assignment for a better score. The number of attempts is set by your instructor.