Keyboard shortcuts can be used in MindTap. The shortcuts cover various tasks for Windows and Mac functions.
Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
Use the following keyboard shortcuts for Windows operations.
Action | Keyboard Shortcut |
Copy | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Cut | Ctrl+X |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Select all items | Ctrl+A |
Find item | Ctrl+F |
Switch between items | Tab |
Switch active browser Tabs | Ctrl+Tab |
Turn zoom magnifier on | Windows logo key+Plus sign (+) |
Turn zoom magnifier off | Windows logo key+Esc |
Zoom in | Windows logo key+Plus sign (+) |
Zoom out | Windows logo key+Minus sign (-) |
MacOS Keyboard Shortcuts
Use the following keyboard shortcuts for MacOS operations.
Action | Keyboard Shortcut |
Copy | Command+C |
Paste | Command+V |
Cut | Command+X |
Undo | Command+Z |
Redo | Command+Shift+Z |
Select all items | Command+A |
Find item | Command+F |
Find again | Command+G |
Find previous | Command+Shift+G |
Switch between items | Tab |
Zoom in | Option+Command+Equals sign (=) |
Zoom out | Option+Command+Minus sign (-) |
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