Student Enrollment

Give students a course link so they can enroll in your course.

Important Do not give students the course link if your course is K-12 or will be integrated with an LMS like Blackboard® or Canvas™. K-12 students must enroll and access your course from NGLSync and LMS-integrated students must enroll and access your course from the LMS.

If you manage your K-12 course through NGLSync, see Share K-12 Course With Students.

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click My Courses.
  3. Locate your course and click expand course.
  4. Click Student Instructions.
  5. Click Copy to Clipboard.

    The instructions include the course link and payment information.

  6. Paste the enrollment instructions in your syllabus or other communication.
  7. Select the textbook or product for your course.
  8. Click Manage Courses.
  9. Click either the Courses or Course Masters & Sections tab.
  10. Click the Course Link Instructions icon (Print student registration instructions) for your course or section.

    Alternatively, you can copy the displayed Course Link URL to include in your syllabus or other communication to your students.

Your students can follow the instructions or use the course link to enroll in your course or section.