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Enable Honorlock Exam Proctoring for Canvas-Integrated MindTap

If you use Canvas™, you can prevent cheating by using Honorlock®. Link your test from Canvas and enable Honorlock. Your students will continue to be monitored by Honorlock while they complete their exam in MindTap.

Note While Cengage supports our learning platform integrations with several Learning Management Systems, proctoring solutions are third party services that we do not directly support. The LMS and proctoring solution versions we have tested might not be the same versions you use. For this reason, your process and results might vary and Cengage cannot guarantee support for any third party proctoring service.

Honorlock is a browser extension and works only with Google® Chrome™. Students must use Google Chrome to take their exam.

Students will be prompted to download the Honorlock extension when they open the exam.

You must first create a password protected exam in MindTap, and add a link to your exam in Canvas. In order for students to access the exam through the proctoring service, both the link and the module you add it to must be published. However, students should not access the exam directly through this link. To avoid confusion, consider creating a new module titled "Do not access." Let your students know that you will be notified if they attempt to access the exam through the "Do not access" module.

  1. In Canvas, open a course.
  2. Locate your MindTap exam link, right click, and copy the link address.

    This is the link you will add to your Honorlock test.

  3. In the navigation, click Honorlock.

    If prompted, authorize Honorlock.

  4. Click menu > Register Third Party Assessment.
  5. Enter the necessary information under Admin Settings.
    1. Under Assessment Platform, click + Use Another Platform and locate the Cengage tool.
    2. Paste the link to your MindTap exam in Direct URL.
    3. Under Exam Password, enter the same password you set for your exam in MindTap.
  6. Click Create.

Students will access the exam by clicking Honorlock in the course navigation.