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School Not Shown

When you click Begin Registration, your school is not listed.


Your school must be added to NGLSync. Submit your school's information and NGLSync will notify you when your school is available.

You can create your account without a school, but you cannot create a course.


  1. Click My School Isn't Listed.
  2. Enter the following information and click Submit.
    • School name
    • School address
    • School city
    • School zip code
    • Your email address

    NGLSync will add your school and notify you when it is available so you can create a course.

  3. To continue creating your account, click Register.
  4. Enter your name and school email address, then click Next.
  5. Create a password and click Next.
  6. To sign in to your new account, click Go to Portal.
  7. Review and accept the Cengage terms and conditions.

    The NGLSync portal opens.

  8. Close the Welcome to the NGLSync Portal window.

    When your school has been added to NGLSync, see Courses to create a course.