Complete Write Experience Activities

When you open a Write Experience activity, a writing prompt is shown and you can enter an essay-type answer that can include text formatting. Write Experience activities display the Write Experience icon icon above the writing prompt.

Note The My Editor, Writer's Model, and My Tutor tools might not be enabled for your activity.
  1. Write your answer.

    If needed, use the toolbar to apply text formatting such as boldface and italics.

    Important Don't paste text from another editor like Word. This can sometimes cause your answer not to be scored correctly.

    Your work is automatically saved every few minutes. A message below your response shows when your work was last saved.

    • To save your work manually, click Save and Continue.
    • To resize the writing prompt, drag its bottom border.
    • To hide or show the writing prompt, click Editor Only or Writing Prompt.
  2. Optional: Click My Editor > language to see instant feedback on grammar and punctuation.

    Possible problems are displayed in red with an icon feedback icon.

    • Hover over feedback icon to see brief feedback.
    • Click feedback icon to see more extensive feedback.
    • Click Refresh to update the feedback after changing your response in the editor.
  3. Optional: Click Writer's Model to see an explanation of the grading rubric with examples.
  4. Optional: Click My Tutor to see general revision tips and examples.

    Click a rubric category — Focus, Content, Organization, Language, or Mechanics — to see information for that category.

  5. Click Submit and Score.

    Confirm by clicking Yes, submit for score.

Write Experience scores your answer and displays feedback.

Your instructor might review your answer and provide comments or adjust the activity score.