NGLSync Student HelpSkip to start of content.

Create an NGLSync Account and Enroll in a Cengage Course

If you do not have an NGLSync account, use the course registration link to create your account and enroll in your Cengage course.


If you have an existing NGLSync account, see Enroll in a Cengage Course. Do not create a duplicate account.


If your class signs in to Cengage through Google Classroom, you are already enrolled and do not need to create an NGLSync account. Ask your teacher if you are unsure.

If you do not have a course key, ask your teacher.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your course key and click Next.
  3. Enter your student ID number and click Next.
  4. Click Next to confirm your course registration.
  5. Create a username and click Next.
  6. Enter your first name, last name, and timezone, then click Next.
  7. Type a password in both password fields, then click Set Password.
    Your password must contain:
    • at least 8 characters
    • a lowercase letter
    • an uppercase letter
    • a number
    • no parts of your username
    Your NGLSync portal opens, showing your course.
  8. To open your course, click Launch Course.

    If prompted, enter your access code and click Submit. Most students do not need an access code.