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Accessibility of Tasks

Tasks that are not accessible in Microsoft Office® are not accessible in SAM. Students using screen readers are notified if a task cannot be completed using their assistive technology. You can remove inaccessible tasks for affected students in their version of the assignment.

Some tasks may have a step in the primary pathway that cannot be completed in SAM but is accessible in the live Microsoft Office application. In this case, students are notified by their screen reader that the task cannot be completed and an alternate approach to proceed to the next step is presented.

  • Office 2019: alternate pathways are identified in the guide overlay of the task. (Click Guide in the top right corner.)
  • Office 2019: magnification support in the task browser window is available up to 200 percent.
  • Training practice mode cannot be completed.
  • Training apply mode and exam tasks are accessible.

Shortcut key information for both PC and Mac devices is available from the task menu in training and exam assignments.