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Use Cengage Unlimited Test Prep

Prepare for exams by taking custom, automatically graded, multiple-choice practice tests.

Add Cengage Unlimited Study Tools
Note Cengage Unlimited study tools are only available to Cengage Unlimited subscribers.
  1. On your dashboard, select a discipline under Your Study Materials.
  2. Click View Test Prep.
  3. Create a practice test.
    1. Click Create a Practice Test Now.
    2. Select topics to include in your practice test.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Select how many questions you want on each topic.
    5. Click Take Practice Test Now.
  4. Select an answer for each question.
  5. Click Submit.
    Your results are displayed.
  6. To view feedback for each question, click Review, then expand a topic and select a question.
  7. To retake your practice test, click Try Again.
    1. Select how you want to view questions on this attempt.
      • Randomize questions
      • Show questions in the same order
      • Only show incorrect questions
      • Only show correct questions
    2. Click Take Test Now.