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List Your Assignments

You can view a summary of your current assignments and due dates on your Home page for a class, or a detailed list of your current and past assignments on your My Assignments page.

Important Do not wait until the last minute to submit an assignment. Assignment cutoff times are determined by the clock of the WebAssign server, not by the clock on your computer. Every effort is made to ensure that these server clocks are accurate. If the assignment cutoff time is 10:00 P.M., you can not submit the assignment after 10:00 P.M. according to the WebAssign server, regardless of the time displayed on your computer. WebAssign displays due dates in your local time.
  1. Click Home.

    If necessary, select a class from the My Classes menu.

  2. Optional: To see more details for your assignments, or list your past assignments, click either Current Assignments or Past Assignments.

Your Home page for a class lists your current assignments and their due dates in the My Assignments panel.

Your My Assignments page lists your current, past, or all assignments with their due dates. It also includes the following information:
  • The assignment category, such as Homework, in parentheses after the assignment name.
  • For timed assignments, the amount of time you have to complete the assignment.
  • A description of the assignment, if available.
  • Your score, if you submitted the assignment and your instructor chose to show you the score.
Note If a past assignment is not displayed on the list, it is no longer available for review. Contact your instructor to request access to the assignment.

Both views also display icons indicating particular features of the assignment.



Conditional Conditional Assignment

If you have not met a prerequisite for starting the assignment, a faded Conditional is displayed and clicking the assignment name will list the prerequisite instead of opening the assignment. Either complete the listed prerequisite or ask your instructor to waive it for you.

Group Assignment Group Assignment

You and other group members can all work on the assignment; the assignment score is the same for all group members.

timed icon Timed

When you open this assignment, you will have a specified amount of time to complete the assignment. The remaining time will be displayed in the top right corner while you are working on the assignment.

Password Protected Password Protected

You must enter an assignment password to open this assignment.

If needed, your instructor will give you the assignment password. The assignment password is case-sensitive and is not the same as your account password.

IP Address (Location) Restricted IP Address (Location) Restricted

You must sign in to WebAssign from locations designated by your instructor in order to open this assignment.

WebAssign LockDown Browser Required WebAssign LockDown Browser® Required

You must use WebAssign LockDown Browser for this assignment.

To access this assignment, open it first from your learning management system

You must sign in to your learning management system, such as Canvas™ or Blackboard®, and open your assignment there.