K–12 Teacher Help Support for K–12 teachers. Learning Platforms MindTap for K–12 MindTap for K–12 is a flexible online learning platform optimized for K–12 learners. WebAssign WebAssign is an online learning platform designed to support student learning in math and science courses. It includes readings and algorithmically graded learning activities for supported textbooks. Instructors can also create their own activities. SAM SAM is an online learning platform designed to help students learn computer concepts and Microsoft applications. SAM includes exam, project, and training assignments and an interactive content player.CNOWv2 CNOWv2 is an online learning platform for supported Cengage accounting textbooks that includes readings, learning activities, quizzes, and diagnostic Personalized Study Plan functionality. OWLv2 OWLv2 is an online learning platform for supported Cengage chemistry textbooks that includes readings, tutorials, interactive simulations, and algorithmically generated homework questions. Other Tools eBook-Only Help Comprehensive help information for using eBooks with an LMS. NGLSync Help for K–12 teachers who manage their courses through the NGLSync portal. System Requirements Supported browsers and required plugins for school computer labs. Customer Support Need additional assistance? Asia cengageasia.com/contact-us Customer Support Need additional assistance? Australia anz.customerservice@cengage.com 1300 790 853 New Zealand anz.customerservice@cengage.com 0800 449 725 Customer Support Need additional assistance? India asia.infoindia@cengage.com 0120 684 1300 Secondary Education Customer Support Need additional assistance? United States 1-800-354-9706 Secondary Education Customer Support Need additional assistance? Canada (800) 310-5661 (M-F 9 AM to 5 PM EST) Secondary Education Customer Support Need additional assistance? Africa, Europe, and the Middle East +441264 342932 Secondary Education Customer Support Need additional assistance? Latin America soporte.latam@cengage.com Note Support Hours Monday-Friday; 5 AM-7 PM CST (Mexico City Time) Note Languages Spanish, English, Portuguese Argentina 0800-444-CENGAGE (2364243) option 8 Brazil suporte.brasil@cengage.com 0800-CENGAGE (23642438) option 8 Colombia 01800-01-CENGAGE (2364243) option 3 Mexico 01800-CENGAGE (2364243) option 8