Getting Started If this is your first time teaching with MindTap, learn how to sign in, create your first course, and enroll students. Create AccountCreate your account to start teaching with MindTap. Don't create an account if you use a learning management system (LMS) like Schoology® or Canvas™ to access your learning platform. After your first sign in on these platforms, an account is automatically created for you. Sign InSign in to your Cengage account to access your course materials. Courses and SectionsCreate and manage higher education MindTap courses and sections in the Instructor Center. Create and manage K–12 MindTap courses and sections in NGLSync. Find Instructor ResourcesCengage products often include resources you can use to supplement your online classes. Open the Instructor Companion Site to see what instructor resources are available for your product. View the product details in your library to see what instructor resources are available for your product. Get to Know MindTapExplore the MindTap user interface. View ActivitiesView your learning activities as an outline or week-by-week. Filter the learning path to see only certain kinds of activities. Reorder ActivitiesRearrange content in your course to create a customized learning experience for your students. StudentsYou can manage the students enrolled in your MindTap course. If you are using a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard or Canvas, some of these functions will be done in the LMS instead of in MindTap.