CSFI Discussion Questions

You can ask students these prompts in lessons to help students use the CSFI to think critically on how to achieve college success.

Before students take the CSFI:

  • Look at the list of 10 CSFI factors. Which two factors do you think you could most improve in? Why do you feel this way?

After students take the CSFI:

  • Look at your CSFI results. Which two factors most need improvement? Reflect on these two areas. What is your perception of how you perform in these areas? How does your perception compare with the results?
  • Identify the factor from the CSFI in which you most need improvement. Create a personal goal to increase your performance in this factor. Your goal should be dated, specific, and achievable.
  • According to feedback from instructors and students who have completed the CSFI, of the 10 factors, students struggle to understand how “family involvement” and “competition” impact their chance for success. Consider the following questions to examine these two factors through a different lens.
    • What does family involvement mean to you? Who are the support systems in your life? In what ways can your support systems contribute to your academic, professional, social, and emotional success?
    • What does competition look like to you? Are you more competitive with yourself or with others? What is one concrete way you can compete with yourself to increase your chance of academic, professional, social, or emotional success?

After students take the CSFI post-test:

  • Compare your CSFI pre-test results with your CSFI post-test results. What changes do you notice? Why did each of these changes occur?
  • Identify the CSFI factor in which you most need improvement. Create a list of at least five steps you can take to enhance your performance in your selected factor. Identify how each step will help you to be successful.