Export Gradebook Data

You can export your gradebook data to share your students' performance or import it into another system.

If you want to export only a portion of the gradebook, filter the view to include only the data you want to export.

  1. To open the gradebook, click Progress > Gradebook.
  2. Click Gradebook Actions > Export.
  3. Select either Full Gradebook or Current Filtered View.
  4. Select a file format.
    • Comma separated values (.csv)
    • Blackboard
    • D2L
    • Moodle

    Use the Blackboard, D2L, or Moodle file formats if you plan to import the file to that LMS after exporting from MindTap.

  5. If needed, select either Percent or Points.
  6. Click Export.

    Depending on your browser settings, select whether to save or open the file.

    Note If the file does not download, check the pop-up blocker settings in your browser.

Gradebook data is exported in the selected format with the following columns:

User ID
Student's unique ID in MindTap.
Student Name
By default, exported data are sorted alphabetically by last name.
Student ID
Student's institutional ID.
Total Points to Date
The student's earned points for all selected activities to date.
Overall Score To Date
The student's calculated overall score for all selected activities to date.
Activity Names
For each activity, the first six or seven rows display the following information for the activity:
  1. Activity name
  2. Unique ID in MindTap
  3. Whether the activity is Assessment, Homework, or Non_mindTap
  4. Category
  5. The containing unit or folder
  6. Whether the activity is Practice or Graded
  7. The total possible points for the activity (only if exported as points)

The remaining rows display student scores for the activity as either points or percentages.