Frequently Asked Questions Can I create a Cengage account without an email address?In most cases, you are required to use an email address as your Cengage username. There are situations, including accounts for K–12 students using NGLSync, when using an email address is not advisable or permitted. Some features, such as username recovery, password resets, and email notifications, can't be used without an email address associated with your account. How do I access my digital products?When you sign in at, your products are listed on your dashboard. What are my purchase options?Materials for your course might include bundles, ePacks, or standalone options. Before making your purchase, refer to your course syllabus or ask your instructor about requirements. RefundsThe return policy depends on the type of materials purchased. Manage Your Cengage Unlimited SubscriptionUpgrade to Cengage Unlimited or extend your subscription. Was this helpful?FEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_up YesFEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_down Nocheck_circleThank you for your feedback.