Answer Questions

There are many different question types in OWLv2 assignments. This topic explains some of the most common question types.

If a question displays information after you have answered it incorrectly, click information for an explanation of the correct answer.

Drag and drop
Click and drag a graphic to the correct location in a diagram.
Fill in the blank
Type the correct answer in an empty field. If available, use the chemistry formula tool to include special characters in your answer.
Multiple choice
Select the correct answer.
Connect related pieces of information to each other. Click an item from each column to create a line between them.
Decide whether a statement is true or false. Select the correct answer.
Answer a question with Yes or No. Select the correct answer.
ChemDoodle Sketcher
Draw a model of a molecule using the ChemDoodle Sketcher tool.
Select appropriate elements of a diagram.
Tutors, simulations, and exercises
Complete all three parts of the question: read the preparatory information, engage with the interactive simulation, and answer the related questions.