Cengage web-based learning platforms require broadband internet access and supported web browsers and plugins.
Supported Browsers
- Windows®
- Chrome™ current and preceding version
- Firefox® current and preceding version
- Edge current and preceding version
- macOS™
- Chrome current and preceding version
- Firefox current and preceding version
- Safari® current and preceding version
- iOS
- Safari current and preceding version (iPad only)
Exams, Training, and Office® Online Projects are supported on iPad. All other projects require an installed version of Microsoft Office.
- Safari current and preceding version (iPad only)
Other browsers and versions than those listed might also work, but are not supported. If you have problems when using an unsupported browser version, try using a supported browser version before contacting Customer Support.
Workstation Recommendations
- Download bandwidth: 5+ Mbps/student
The total lab bandwidth should be sufficient for the number of workstations.
For example, 30 workstations × 5 Mbps = 150 Mbps.
- RAM: 2+ GB
- CPU: 1.8+ GHz / multi-core
- Display: 1366 × 768, color
- Graphics: DirectX, 64+ MB
- Sound (for some content)
Learning Management System (LMS) Notes
- For Blackboard Ultra, support is limited to basic LTI integration only; building block integration is not supported.