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Questions Submission Rule

If the Assignment Submission rule at the top of your assignment reads For this assignment, you submit answers by questions, the number of submissions for each question is counted independently. The number of submissions remaining changes only if you submit a new or changed answer.

For different Assignment Submission rules, see either Question Parts Submission Rule or Entire Assignment Submission Rule.

With this rule:

  • Each question can have a different number of allowed submissions.
  • Each time you submit your answers, only questions with new or changed answers are submitted. However, the entire question is submitted, including unanswered question parts and question parts for which you did not change your answer.
  • No submissions are used for questions that you did not change.
  1. View the submission information in the question heading.
    detail of question heading showing point and submission counts
  2. Enter your answers for a question.
  3. At the bottom of the question, click Submit Answer.