Complete Tax Forms Questions

CNOWv2 uses tax return modules throughout the coursework that helps you prepare for practical tax experience replicative of those seen in real-world personal or career practice.

You can identify a tax form question if you see your question includes tax forms such as W-2s, Form 1080, Form 1040, etc. These forms are listed as labeled tabs at the top of the question.
  1. Click a labeled tab to open materials.
    • Click on the grey heading of the window to move it around the module.
    • Click and drag the bottom right corner of the window to make it bigger or smaller.
  2. Use the tool in the upper right to preview materials.
    • Click cascading windows view to open and overlay multiple forms. This is the default option.
    • Click tilted window view to list up to three forms.
    • Click stacked window view to stack list multiple forms.
  3. Click textboxes in the form to enter answers.
    Some textboxes require manual input, while others require you to select from a list of options in a dropdown.
