Quick Start Guides

Use a quick start PDF to integrate Blackboard® with Cengage.

Instructions can vary depending on the type of integration and Blackboard version.

If you are integrating Blackboard for the first time, use the Blackboard Partner Cloud instructions.

If you're not sure which guide is for you, contact your Cengage representative at cengage.com/repfinder/ https://www.cengage.com/repfinder/postSecondaryEdFacultyCanada/ https://www.cengageasia.com/Contact-Us http://www.cengage.co.in/Rep_Locator https://www.cengage.co.uk/education/contact-us-2/ https://au.cengage.com/repfinder/ https://latinoamerica.cengage.com/contacto/ (Latin America) or https://www.cengage.com.br/contato/ (Brazil).