Copy Your MindTap-Integrated Course in Canvas

Copy a MindTap-integrated Canvas™ course to copy all content and course settings in both Canvas and MindTap at the same time.

This feature is not available to everyone and cannot be used to copy another instructor's course. Alternatively, see Copy a MindTap Course to a New Canvas Course.

If this feature is not enabled for your institution, you will be asked to complete additional steps after copying your Canvas course.

Note To request this feature, ask your Cengage representative to enable enhanced course copy.

Remove Until dates from your Canvas course. If your MindTap activity links have Until dates, the due dates will not update in your new course.

  1. In Canvas, create a new course.
  2. Copy content from a MindTap-integrated course to your new Canvas course.

    If you are manually selecting which content to copy, be sure to include links to MindTap.

  3. Navigate to the copied content area in your new course.

    The MindTap links from your original course are shown, but your new course has not yet been created in MindTap.

  4. To create your MindTap course, click a MindTap link.

    If a new MindTap course opens in a new tab:

    Your MindTap course was copied.

    All dates in your new MindTap course are inferred from the course start and end date.

    1. Review and adjust assignment dates and course settings as needed.
    2. Disregard steps 510.

    If a new MindTap course does not open:

    Your MindTap course was not copied.

    1. Complete steps 510.
  5. On the License Type page, select the payment method applicable to your class.

    Very often, only one license type is available.

    1. Click Continue.
  6. Copy your MindTap course.
    1. Select Copy an existing course.

      Your courses for the selected title are listed.

    2. Select the course you want to copy.
    3. Click Continue.
  7. On the Gradebook settings page, select which scores should be synced to the Canvas gradebook.
    Note Category scores can not be synced to Canvas.
    1. Select either Add activity score or Add overall scores.
    2. Click Continue.
  8. On the Course Details page, specify the course name, dates, and other information for your MindTap course.
    Field Notes
    Course Name Include the academic term in the course name.
    Time Zone

    Assignment dates and times are based on the time zone you select.

    Course start date

    Set the start date to the first day of class. It is the first day students can access your course and the beginning of your students' temporary access period. It cannot be changed after students access the course.

    Course end date

    To allow your students to view their grades and complete late work, consider setting this 1 week after the last day of class.

    1. Click Finish.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Click the link to your MindTap course and verify that it's set up how you want.

    First time only: Confirm that Canvas can access your account.

    If prompted, read and accept the service agreement.