Troubleshooting Sometimes, the unexpected happens. This could be the result of a technical problem, a limitation, or user error. Account Verification Pending (US Higher Education)You can't access your courses or materials and your Instructor Center shows the error message: To access courses and materials, finish providing documentation to verify your status as an instructor. Resource Links Don't WorkWhen you click a link in Instructor Resource Center, nothing happens. Multiple eBook LinksYour dashboard and Study Tools show multiple links for the same eBook. Added Wrong Cengage Product or Course in LMSWhen you add Cengage content to your LMS, you select a product, then create or copy a course using that product. If you accidentally select the wrong product, or copy the wrong course, you can easily change your selections in the Cengage tool. Links to CNOWv2 Courses or Activities Don't WorkWhen you click a link to a CNOWv2 course or activity from your LMS, the link doesn't open a new browser window with the course or learning activity. Signed out of Moodle While Using Cengage ToolYou are signed out of Moodle™ when you try to add CNOWv2 activity links while using Google® Chrome™. Course Creation ErrorAn error message displays when you try to create a course. CNOWv2 Course is not in Your LMSAfter selecting Link to an existing course or section in your LMS, your CNOWv2 course does not display as an option. Can't Find Cengage Content in BlackboardWhen setting up your CNOWv2 course in Blackboard®, you cannot find Cengage content under Content (Blackboard Original) or Institution Tools (Blackboard Ultra). Cengage Listed Twice in LMS Content MarketWhen integrating a CNOWv2 course with your LMS, you see two versions of the Cengage tool listed in your LMS. General Error Message DisplaysA General Error message displays and the action you were attempting is not successful. Grade Sync ProblemsStudent grades in CNOWv2 do not sync to your LMS, or sync very slowly. Was this helpful?FEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_up YesFEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_down Nocheck_circleThank you for your feedback.