Upload Data

Upload a comma-separated value (CSV) file from your device to the SALT website to perform analyses.

Dataset Sources

Most SALT analyses require a dataset. SALT datasets are provided in one of three ways:

  • Existing datasets
  • Uploaded CSV datasets
  • Datasets provided by WebAssign questions

Each dataset is a table of values for selected variables.

Variable Types

Variables can be one of two types:


Qualitative values that are used to organize or categorize data.

Examples include diagnostic codes, dates, or names of things or people.


Quantitative values that are used as the basis for numerical analyses.

Examples include measurements, prices, or counts of things.

Before uploading, please make sure your file follows these guidelines:
  • Use columns to organize variables. The first row should contain the variable names for each column.
  • Organize all the entries for a variable under a single column. Don’t split them into multiple columns.
  • Each variable should be given a name they can be referred to in SALT.
  • Make sure there are no stray characters in cells that should be empty.
  • The first row should not include text in any cells that don’t have data below them. This will result in variables without any data.
  • If a variable’s data entries include a mix of numbers and letters, start the entries with a letter rather than a number. This rule does not apply to variable names.
  • Don’t use more than one tab on your CSV file.
  • Format dates in Excel as Month Date Year.

    For example:

    Date Low Second
    5/18/2000 2 9
    5/17/2000 21 22
    5/16/2000 3 10
  1. To upload local files, go to statistics.cengage.com.
  2. Click Upload CSV and select the dataset type to upload for analysis.
  3. Click Upload. Select the local file you want to upload.
    A pop-up titled Select Variables opens.
  4. Select up to twenty variables to use in your analysis.
    Note If needed, click Numerical > Categorical beside a quantitative variable to treat it as a categorical variable.
  5. Click Select to finish set-up.
    You can switch to other tabs to begin analysis. You can also click Add Row to edit the imported set further.
To provide feedback on SALT documentation, please contact your Cengage representative.