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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can be used in SAM. The shortcuts cover various tasks for Windows and Mac functions.

Note Because SAM uses a simulation of Office®, some Office shortcuts might be unavailable in the simulation pane or content player.

To scroll in the simulation pane, keyboard focus should be on the simulation pane, not the content player toolbar.

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the following keyboard shortcuts for Windows operations.
Action Keyboard Shortcut
Switch between the Training/Exam simulation pane and content player toolbar Ctrl+F2
Switch between Training/Exam instructions and simulation pane Ctrl+F3
Switch between modes (Observe, Practice, Apply) in a Training assignment Ctrl+F8
Hide/Show the guide in a Training assignment Ctrl+Shift+Z
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Cut Ctrl+X
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Select all items Ctrl+A
Find item Ctrl+F
Switch between items Tab
Switch active browser Tabs Ctrl+Tab
Turn zoom magnifier on Windows logo key+Plus sign (+)
Turn zoom magnifier off Windows logo key+Esc
Zoom in Windows logo key+Plus sign (+)

Keyboard focus on the content player toolbar, not the simulation pane

Zoom out Windows logo key+Minus sign (-)

Keyboard focus on the content player toolbar, not the simulation pane

MacOS Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the following keyboard shortcuts for MacOS operations.
Action Keyboard Shortcut
Switch between the Training/Exam simulation pane and content player toolbar Ctrl+Command+F2
Switch between Training/Exam instructions and simulation pane Ctrl+Command+F3
Switch between modes (Observe, Practice, Apply) in a Training assignment Ctrl+Command+F8
Hide/Show the guide in a Training assignment Command+Shift+Z
Copy Command+C
Paste Command+V
Cut Command+X
Undo Command+Z
Redo Command+Shift+Z
Select all items Command+A
Find item Command+F
Find again Command+G
Find previous Command+Shift+G
Switch between items Tab
Zoom in Option+Command+Equals sign (=)

Keyboard focus on the content player toolbar, not the simulation pane

Zoom out Option+Command+Minus sign (-)

Keyboard focus on the content player toolbar, not the simulation pane