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Resetting and Adjusting a Student's Assignments

Occasionally you might need to reset a student's assignment to remove the grade (for example, if you offer a make-up test) or adjust a score.

  • Assignment takes only display from students who took the assignment.
  • Changes to the Reset Score page reflect in the Gradebook and in Reports unless an instructor overrides a score in the Gradebook. If an instructor overrides a score in the Gradebook, the Gradebook score takes precedence over the score in the Reset Score page.

To reset an exam or adjust a score, use the following procedure:

  1. Navigate to the SAM Assignments page.
  2. Click the Reset Score icon in the Actions field of the assignment to reset.
    Note Assignments without a student attempt do not display in the Reset window.

    The Reset Score page displays.

  3. Hover over the score of the student whose take you want to reset to the default system score.

    Two icons display: Revert and Original Score.

  4. To adjust the score follow this procedure:

    Select the Score.

    Enter a new value.

    The score updates.

    Note Changes to the Reset Score page apply to the Gradebook. Manual Edits to the Gradebook take precedence over changes made in the Reset Score page.
  5. Hover over Original Score.

    The original score displays.

  6. To revert a score to the original score of record,

    Click Revert.

    The score resets to the original score.

    Note Changes to the Reset Score page apply to the Gradebook. Manual Edits to the Gradebook take precedence over changes made in the Reset Score page.