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SAM uses the following formulas to calculate student information:

  • Graded Words a Minute (GWAM) is GWAM = (characters keyed ÷ 5) ÷ minutes.
  • Counted Words a Minute (CWAM) is CWAM = [(characters keyed ÷ five ) – (errors times two)] ÷ minutes.
  • Goal CWAM = CWAM + 2
  • Goal GWAM = GWAM + 2
  • Accuracy Percentage = correct characters divided by total characters keyed.

Typing Error Legend

The following table lists and describes the various typing errors users may come across using Keyboarding in SAM.

Error Description Example
Missed word The missed word is highlighted in blue in the sentence.
Missed tab The missed tab is indicated by an arrow Missed tab highlighted in blue.
Missed enter The missed enter is indicated by a return arrow Missed line break highlighted in blue at the end of the sentence.
Missed space The missed space is highlighted in blue.
Missed character The missed character is highlighted in blue.
Missed punctuation The missed punctuation is highlighted in blue.
Incorrect word The incorrect word is highlighted in red.
Extra word The extra word is highlighted in red.
Extra tab

The extra tab is indicated by an arrow Extra tab highlighted in red.

Extra enter The extra enter is indicated by a return arrow Extra line break highlighted in red.
Extra space The extra space is highlighted in red.
Incorrect character The incorrect character is highlighted in red.

Extra character

The extra character is highlighted in red.
Capitalization Incorrect capitalization is marked through by a red slash.

Incorrect punctuation

Incorrect punctuation is highlighted in red.

Extra punctuation

Extra punctuation is highlighted in red.
Transposed word Transposed words have a red line over the first word, between the transposed words, and under the second word.
Transposed character Transposed characters have a red line over the first character, between the transposed characters, and under the second character.