If enabled by your instructor, click Grades to view detailed score and grade information and class statistics.
If your instructor chooses to display score and grade information in WebAssign, it is for your convenience only. Your instructor determines your grade for the class, not WebAssign.
Your instructor chooses what score and grade information to display and when it is updated. This information represents a snapshot in time and might not be current or reflect your final overall grade for the class.
When all items are shown, you see three tables with your grade, class grades, and scores on individual assignments.
- Total Grade
Your letter or pass/fail grade and numeric score.
To view your instructor's grading scale, click Grading Scale.
- Class Grades
The minimum grade, class average, your grade, maximum grade, and standard deviation of grades in your class.
To view this data in a graph, click Graph.
- Scores
Click a tab in the Scores table to view more information.
- Scores
Scores for each assignment type.
To see scores for assignments in a category, and how they affect your grade, click .
- Raw Scores
Scores without weighting or dropping assignments.
To see scores for assignments in a category, click .
- Class Scores
Your score, the class average, minimum score, maximum score, and standard deviation for categories and assignments.
To see scores for assignments in a category, click . To view data in a graph, click Graph.