Create an Account

Create a Cengage account to access your products.
Note If you sign in to your K-12 course through NGLSync, see Create Account (NGLSync).
  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. When asked if you're a student, click Yes.
  4. Enter your institutional email address and click Next.

    Use the same email address you use to sign in to your LMS.

  5. Enter the requested information and select your institution.
  6. Read and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
  7. Select I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click Next.
    Cengage sends you an activation email.
  8. Open the activation email and click Activate Cengage Account.
    A new window opens.
  9. Set your password.
    Your password must contain:
    • at least 8 characters
    • a lowercase letter
    • an uppercase letter
    • a number

Your account is created.