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Track Diet in Diet & Wellness Plus

Keep track of your diet by entering the food you eat at different meal and snack times.

Diet & Wellness Plus is not included in all MindTap courses. If Diet & Wellness Plus is included in your course, you can find the Diet & Wellness Plus icon Diet & Wellness Plus in the toolbar.

  1. In the toolbar, click Diet & Wellness Plus to open Diet & Wellness Plus.
  2. Click Track Diet.
  3. If needed, change the date in Select a date.
  4. Under Find a Food Item, enter a food in the search bar.
  5. Click the most accurate search result from the list.
  6. Enter the amount that you consumed. Click dropdown to change the metric.
    Note If you enter an amount that is significantly larger than the recommended serving size, you will be notified when you click Add Item. If you do not want to see this information, deselect Enable Serving Size Warning.
  7. Select the meal or snack time from the dropdown.
  8. Click Add Item.