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Take Proctored Exams Through Your LMS

If you use an LMS like Blackboard®, Canvas™, or Moodle™, your instructor can administer exams through the LMS with a proctoring service. Proctoring services ensure academic integrity in multiple ways and often block you from opening any new tabs while taking your test.

Your exam will be linked from an assignment created in your LMS. After you finish your exam in MindTap, your browser will continue to be locked down until you submit the quiz in your LMS.

Note While Cengage supports our learning platform integrations with several Learning Management Systems, proctoring solutions are third party services that we do not directly support. The LMS and proctoring solution versions we have tested might not be the same versions you use. For this reason, your process and results might vary and Cengage cannot guarantee support for any third party proctoring service.
Ask your instructor if you need to download a browser extension or use a specific browser. If a browser extension is required, download it ahead of time.
  1. Sign in to your LMS.
  2. Locate and open your assignment.

    If you did not download a required browser extension ahead of time, you are asked to do so now.

    The proctoring service is enabled.

  3. Click the exam link.
    MindTap opens.
  4. Complete and submit your exam in MindTap.
    Your exam is submitted for grading.
  5. Navigate back to your LMS.
  6. Submit the LMS assignment.
    The proctoring service is disabled.