Purchasing Problems Classes > Purchase Access There are some common problems you might run into while purchasing access. Purchasing While Studying AbroadIf you are attending a US-based institution, you can access your existing Cengage Unlimited subscription or purchase a new Cengage Unlimited subscription while living outside of the US. If you are attending a Canada-based institution, you can purchase materials for your course from Cengage while living outside of Canada. Purchasing With Financial AidTo find out how to purchase Cengage materials with financial aid, materials, contact your institution's bursar office. Purchased With the Wrong AccountWhen you purchase access for MindTap and sign in you see a message that you have not purchased access yet. Lost or Damaged Access CodeThe access code on a physical access card is not readable after scratching off the film covering the code or is lost. My Course Pricing Doesn't Match What I Was ToldThe courseware price at checkout is different than what you were told by your instructor. This generally happens because an incorrect institution is saved in your account profile. My Old Code Doesn't Apply To My New CourseThe access code which paid for your previous course is not paying for your current one even though both courses are built on the same textbook. Was this helpful?FEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_up YesFEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_down Nocheck_circleThank you for your feedback.