Submit an InSite Activity

Submit a writing activity with the InSite tool.

  1. Click an InSite activity in the learning path.
  2. Optional: To view details about your activity, click Summary.
  3. Click Upload Submission.
  4. Upload your completed activity or write your activity in the InSite tool.
    To do this Do this
    Upload a file from your computer
    1. Click Upload Submission.
    2. Drag and drop your file to the Submit File menu or click Choose File to select a file on your computer.
    3. Your file name is imported as your submission title. To rename your submission, type in the Submission Title field.
    Upload a file from a file-hosting service
    1. Click Cloud Submission.
    2. Select Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive to upload a file from an account with that service.
    3. Select a file to upload.
    Write in InSite
    1. Click Text Input.
    2. Paste or type your title in the Submission Title field.
    3. Paste or type your text in the Submission Text field.
  5. Click Upload and Review.
  6. Optional: Review your activity. To cancel your submission, click Cancel Submission.
  7. Click Submit to Turnitin.