Australia/New Zealand
Middle East
Latin America
Puerto Rico
United States

Select Dates with Keyboard Shortcuts

You will need to navigate calendars in CNOWv2 to select dates like course start dates, end dates, and activity due dates. Use these keyboard shortcuts to find and select the correct date.

Move to Windows macOS macOS with Numeric Keypad
Previous day Ctrl+Left ⌘+Left ⌘+Left
Next day Ctrl+Right ⌘+Right ⌘+Right
Previous week Ctrl+Up ⌘+Up ⌘+Up
Next week Ctrl+Down ⌘+Down ⌘+Down
Previous month PageUp ⌘+Fn+Up PageUp
Next month PageDown ⌘+Fn+Down PageDown
The current month Ctrl+Home ⌘+Fn+Left ⌘+Home
Previous year Ctrl+PageUp ⌘+Fn+Ctrl+Up ⌘+Ctrl+PageUp
Next year Ctrl+PageDown ⌘+Fn+Ctrl+Down ⌘+Ctrl+PageDown
Select a date Enter Return Enter
Close the calendar Escape Esc Esc