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Import Cognero Question Sets to Blackboard

Use question sets from Cognero to build quizzes or tests in Blackboard®.

  1. In Cognero, open any question set or test.
  2. Download the Cognero question set to your computer.

    Click File > Export > Blackboard Learn > Test.

  3. In Blackboard, open a course.
  4. Click Course Tools > Test, Surveys, and Pools.
  5. Click Pools.
  6. Click Import Pool.
  7. Click Browse My Computer.
  8. Find and select your exported file.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Click OK.

Video: Blackboard Ultra

Video: Blackboard

Now you can add Cognero questions to a Blackboard test.

When creating a Blackboard test, click Reuse Question > Find Questions. Under Pools, select your Cognero question set. Select the questions to include and your test and click Submit.