Edit Multiple Scores

Easily make the same change to multiple students' assignment scores at the same time.

  1. Click the Gradebook tab.
  2. Select an assignment.
    The Assignment Details page opens.
  3. If your options are hidden, click Show All Options.
  4. Select Adjust Multiple Scores from the dropdown menu.
  5. Select the scores you want to edit.
    Note Scores for in-progress assignments cannot be changed.
    • To select all scores for an assignment, select the name of the assignment.
    • To select all scores for a student, select the student's name.
    • To select all scores, click Select All.
    • To clear all scores, click Clear All.

    You can also select individual assignments.

  6. Edit the scores.

    If Automatic Preview is selected, your scores update immediately and you do not need to click Update Preview.

    To do this Do this
    Increase the score
    1. Select Add.
    2. Enter a value.
    3. Select Percent or Points to set what the value represents.
    4. Click Update Preview.

    To allow scores over 100%, select Allow Scores Exceeding Possible (extra credit).

    Decrease the score
    1. Select Subtract.
    2. Enter a value.
    3. Select Percent or Points to set what the value represents.
    4. Click Update Preview.

    To allow negative scores, select Allow Negative Scores.

    Set a new score
    1. Select Set To.
    2. Enter a value.
    3. Select Percent or Points to set what the value represents.
    4. Click Update Preview.
  7. Click Save Changes and Return to Gradebook.
