Australia/New Zealand
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United States

Create an Account (K–12)

Create a Cengage account to access your products and set up your course. Don't create an account if you use a learning management system (LMS) like Schoology® or Canvas™ to access your learning platform. After your first sign in on these platforms, an account is automatically created for you.


Note If you teach at multiple institutions, create a separate account for each institution. Otherwise, you should have only one Cengage account.
  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Account.
  3. When asked if you're a student, click No.
  4. When asked if you teach at a US higher education institution, click No.
  5. Find your institution by location and click Continue.
  6. Enter the required information, set your password, and accept the license agreement.
    Your password must contain:
    • at least 8 characters
    • a lowercase letter
    • an uppercase letter
    • a number
    • no parts of your username
  7. Click Register.

Your account is created.

For security, your institution must verify that you are an instructor before your account is activated.