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Find and Use PowerPoint Presentations

Many Cengage products are accompanied by PowerPoint presentations created by subject matter experts. These presentations are available for download in your product's Companion Site. These presentations are available for download on your product details page.

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click My Library.
  3. Select the textbook or product for your course.
  4. Click Resources.
  5. Click Teaching Resources > PowerPoint.

    If you do not see this option, there might not be any PowerPoint presentations available for your textbook. Try searching for different editions of your textbook or for textbooks with closely related content.

  6. Click Download.
  7. Open the PowerPoint presentation and edit it as needed for your class.

    For information on adding narration to your presentation, see Microsoft PowerPoint: Record Narration.

  8. Click Instructor Companion Site.
    The Instructor Companion Site for your textbook opens. Available resources are listed under Book Resources.

    If the link does not work, right-click the link and open it in a new tab.

  9. Click PowerPoints and download the zipped file to your computer.
  10. Unzip the file, select a PowerPoint presentation for a section, and edit it as needed for your class.

    For information on adding narration to your presentation, see Microsoft PowerPoint: Record Narration.

  11. Share your presentation with your students.