If you use Blackboard Ultra, you can prevent cheating by using
Proctorio®. Create a Blackboard Ultra test that requires
Proctorio and use it to link to CNOWv2. Your
students are monitored by Proctorio while they complete
their exam in CNOWv2.
Note While Cengage supports our learning platform
integrations with several Learning Management Systems, proctoring solutions are
third party services that we do not directly support. The LMS and proctoring
solution versions we have tested might not be the same versions you use. For this
reason, your process and results might vary and Cengage cannot
guarantee support for any third party proctoring service.
This procedure is for Blackboard® courses with the Ultra Course View.
Proctorio is a browser extension and works only
with Google® Chrome™.
Students should download the Proctorio extension ahead of time,
or they will be prompted to do so when they open their assignment.
You must first create a password protected exam in CNOWv2, and add a link to your exam in Blackboard.
In your Blackboard course, locate your CNOWv2 exam link, right click, and copy the link address.
This is the link you will add to your Blackboard
On your Course Content page, click .
Under Assessment, click Test.
Click .
Add your exam link under Question 1.
Paste your exam link in Link URL.
Click Insert.
Click Save.
Under Proctored assessment, click
Configure proctoring settings.
Select Enable Proctorio.
Set your Proctorio settings and click Save
Click Save.
Open your Blackboard test in student view to test the experience and
make sure you can access your CNOWv2 exam.
Publish your Blackboard test to make it available to students.