Your Google Classroom administrator must have set up the Cengage tool in Google Classroom.
With this integration:
- You and your students access your CNOWv2 courses from Google Classroom.
- You can sync your students' grades for CNOWv2 activities to Google Classroom.
- You can sync your students' overall grades for the CNOWv2 course to Google Classroom.
Best Practice To help your students, use clear and consistent naming for your
courses and sections in both Google Classroom and CNOWv2. This is
especially important if you integrate more than one CNOWv2 section from the
same Google Classroom course.
Google Classroom Versions
How you add CNOWv2 content to your Google Classroom depends on if your school uses the free or paid version of Google Classroom.
To see which version your school uses, open the assignment
editor and look for the Add-ons panel.
- If your assignment has Add-ons, your school uses the paid version.
- If your assignment does not have Add-ons, your school uses the free version.
- Create your course in Google Classroom.
- Choose one of the following:
- In your CNOWv2 course, assign the activities you want to use.
- Add Links in Google Classroom to CNOWv2 Activities and Resources
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