Sync Scores to Schoology

After adding activity links from Schoology®, your students' MindTap scores sync to Schoology based on your settings. If needed, you can also request a manual score sync to Schoology.

If you manually edit scores in Schoology, they will be overwritten by a grade sync.

  1. To open the gradebook, click Progress > Gradebook.
  2. Click Gradebook Actions > Force LMS Score Sync.
    • You can request a manual score sync only once every 24 hours.
    • Manual score syncs are performed after all current automatic syncs, not instantly.
  3. Select the assignment scores to sync to Schoology.
    • To sync an individual assignment, select Selected Assignment and select the assignment from the dropdown.
    • To sync all assignments, select Full Gradebook.
    Note If you previously chose to sync only the overall course score to Schoology and not the individual activity scores, these options are not available to you.
  4. Click Sync.

The selected assignment scores are queued for synchronization to Schoology. Syncing your entire gradebook might take up to an hour.
