Set Credit Type

Activities can be practice or graded. If the activity is graded, you can set a credit / no credit threshold that gives students full credit if they meet the threshold and zero credit if they do not.

You can change the credit type of one activity, or multiple activities at once.
Before you begin

This task is different depending on the version of MindTap used in your class.

If these directions do not match what you see in your class, click MindTap version in the toolbar above and select your MindTap version.

To see the behavior of each settings group, click user icon your name > Course Settings > Activity Settings.

You can create new settings groups, or edit existing groups as needed.

Practice activities do not count toward student grades and do not sync to your LMS.

Credit/no credit activities grant either full credit or no credit based on students' meeting a threshold score for the activity. For example, if you set the credit threshold to 60%, students who score at least 60% on the activity receive 100% in the gradebook, and all students who score under 60% receive 0%.

If a credit / no credit activity also has a late penalty, the late penalty is deducted from the full credit score.

Set credit type for one activity

  1. Next to an activity, click Activity context menu >  Manage activity settings.

    This is sometimes labeled Manage activity title and settings.

    If any students have already started work on the activity, you are warned.

  2. Click  Settings.
  3. Set the Settings Group to a group with the credit type you want.

    To create or edit a new settings group:

    1. Under Scoring Settings, click the credit type.
      • Counts towards Grade
      • Practice (Doesn't Count towards Grade)
      • Counts towards Grade as Credit/No Credit

        Enter a number in At number% earned score moves from 0 to full credit.

    2. You are prompted to either create a new settings group or update the current settings group.
      • To create a new settings group, click Create New Settings Group and enter a New Settings Name.
      • To change all activities in the current settings group, click Update Settings Group.
  4. Click Save All.

Set credit type for multiple activities

  1. At the top of the activities list, turn on Bulk Edit .
  2. Select activities.

    Select the check box for individual activities or folders in the learning path.

  3. Click Edit Activities >  Apply activity settings.
  4. Click an option in the Settings Group dropdown list with the scoring settings you want to apply.
  5. Click Save.