Added Wrong Cengage Product or Course in LMS

When you add Cengage content to your LMS, you select a product, then create or copy a course using that product. If you accidentally select the wrong product, or copy the wrong course, you can easily change your selections in the Cengage tool.

Common reasons for removing a Cengage product include:
  • You created a new course, but meant to copy a course.
  • You copied the wrong course.
  • You meant to add an eBook with MindTap, but only added the eBook.
  • You added an eBook to a course that already includes that eBook with MindTap.
Note You cannot remove a Cengage product if:
  • Students are enrolled in the Cengage component of your course.
  • Your course uses multiple eBook-only products.

To remove a product from these courses, contact customer support.

United States
Africa, Europe, and the Middle East
New Zealand
International Customer Support (8 AM – 6 PM EST)
1-800-599-3663 or 1-859-657-4786
Latin America
Note Support Hours

Monday-Friday; 5 AM-7 PM CST (Mexico City Time)

Note Languages

Spanish, English, Portuguese

0800-444-CENGAGE (2364243) option 8
01800-01-CENGAGE (2364243) option 3
01800-CENGAGE (2364243) option 8


  1. Open the Cengage content tool in your LMS course.

    The Cengage product used in your course is displayed.

  2. Click Delete next to the product.
  3. Click Delete to confirm.
    Note If the product included a MindTap course, it is deleted from your LMS but not your Instructor Center. To delete the course from your Instructor Center, see Delete a Course or Section.
  4. Delete all links to the eBook from your course so students do not access the incorrect product.