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Create a New Blackboard-Integrated MindTap Course

If you have not created the MindTap course you want to integrate with Blackboard®, create it from Blackboard.
  1. Open your Blackboard course.
  2. If prompted, sign in to your Cengage instructor account to link your Blackboard and Cengage accounts.

    If you don't have a Cengage instructor account, click Create Account.

    This window might not be shown if your browser does not allow pop-ups for the Blackboard domain.

  3. On the Integrate with Cengage page, click Select Platform.
  4. On the License Type page, select the payment method applicable to your class.

    Very often, only one license type is available.

    1. Click Continue.
  5. On the Course Option page, select Create a new course from scratch.
    1. Click Continue.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click the link to your MindTap course and verify that it's set up how you want.

    If prompted, read and accept the service agreement.

Video: Blackboard Ultra

Video: Blackboard