Assign Quizzes or Tests for World Language Courses

Unlike learning activities, tests and quizzes are not added to your course outline by default. Most world language textbooks include tests and quizzes that you can assign your students.

  1. Click + Add / Create > Activity.
  2. Click Activity Builder.
  3. Find the test or quiz you want to assign.
    To do this Do this
    Filter activities
    1. Click open panel.
    2. Expand the filter categories and select the filters you want to use.
    3. If needed, click Clear All.
    4. To close the panel, click close panel.
    Search activities Enter terms in the search box and press Enter.
    View an activity Click Preview beside the activity.
  4. Click Assign beside the activity.
  5. In the Editing Activity window, set the activity title, description, dates, and location in the learning path to assign the activity to your course.
    Label for the activity in the learning path.
    Information or instructions displayed when the activity is opened.
    Require Password
    Password protection for scoreable activities to prevent students from accessing them ahead of time.
    Available Date
    When students can start work on the activity.
    Due Date
    When students must end work on the activity.
    Associated Topic
    Textbook topic related to the activity.
    Order Within Topic
    Position in the learning path under the specified topic.
  6. Click Add.